Check Protokoll for FRED 1.4 Testprogram

First English version 5/2/99.
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This test software for FRED exists since version 1.4. It is to be written into the 16F84 of FRED. The goal is For the test you need

Step by step proceeding

  1. Compile FTEST_F.ASM (or use the HEX file shipped with FCalib)
  2. Program the hex file in the FRED (for example with FCalib)
  3. Plug the FRED into Loconet and observe the LEDs and the trafic on the net. The tables below show the steps that are performed by the software step by step.
  4. After FRED has completed all tests successfully, determine the limits of the A/D conversion.
  5. Compile FRED_F.ASM (or use the HEX file shipped with FCalib)
  6. Program the hex file and the calculated callibration values into FRED (for example with FCalib)
  7. Verify normal operation of FRED.

Test steps

1. Reset-condition: immediately after power up

Event Explanation Removal
LED lights up immediately, Loconet is idle ok -
LED stays dark PIC does not run or LED not connected properly Check oscilator and reset circuit, check LED and resistors.
Net-LED of Chief turns off and Loconet-Monitor repors framing error Short on the Loconet or transmit transistor is open all the time Check transmit transistor. It might be nescessary to cut conductors to encircle the fault. Normal condition: Q1 off, collector is on Loconet-High-Level.

2. LED-Test: First three seconds

Event Explanation Removal
LEDs flash red (short), green (long), off, red, green, off, ... that's the way it should be -
Flashing sequence twisted: green, red, off, green, red, off, ... LED soldered twisted Guess what?
Only red or green flashes. Something is not soldered properly. Check LED and resistor soldering.
Flashes yellow Short cut... Beat up the guy who soldered.

3. Loconet-idle-test: 1 second

Event Explanation Removal
LED is 1s yellow perfect -
stays yellow for eternity (>>1s) carrier detect faulty Check hardware carrier detect. Should be that way:
  • R13 on Loconet-High (no Trafic!!!!!)
  • PIC Pin 9 (RB3=loconet_rx) on high
  • C2 empty
  • PIC Pin 6 (RB0/INT=loconet_cd) on high
LED goes red and stayes red Loconet-receive sticks to 0V Check PIC-Pin 9 (RB3=loconet_rx), should be high

4. CD idle ok: 1 second green

5. Measuring CD-time: LED is yellow for a short time

Event Explanation Removal
LED goes red and stayes red loconet_rx does not go low within 4us after loconet_tx gets high Check transmit transistor Should be this way:
  • PIC Pin 11 (RB3=loconet_tx) on high
  • Q1 durchgeschaltet
  • PIC Pin 9 (RB3=loconet_rx) on low

6. CD-Measuring finished: 1 second green

7. Loconet transmit: FRED sends measured CD-time

Now there should happen a few things:
Event Explanation Removal
DC-time=1 C1 not connected check C1
CD-Zeit st not near to 1ms=100*10us RC-circuit not correct check C2,R8
if the value is in the interval 100..130, it's the compounents tollerances => replace R8 with 110k or 100k (CD time of about 107 is the upper limit)
LED does not flash (sticks to red or green), no messages Programm might hang in ADC-routine; Pressing Fc or ESTOP releases the hang for a moment. Check ADC-circuit. Should be:
  1. C1 full
  2. Pin 4 of comparator on high
  3. Pin 2 of comparator on low
  4. Pin 10 of PIC=RB4 on low
ADC-Werte <30 oder >1000 RC circuit faulty Check R2,R1,C1
No messages for keys/switch Keys not soldered properly???
Key Pin-name Pin-#
FA RB1 7
FB RB2 8
FC RB6 12
Direction RA3 2